
  • Hot Dog of the Month: Daisy

    Hot Dog of the Month: Daisy

    This month we are introducing you to Daisy, a dapple dachshund from St. Catharines, ON, Canada.

  • Bailey


    Bailey was a rescue when we found him. No one came to get him from the humane society…

  • Sukie


    A dog is many things. Many of us see our dogs as our best friends, family members or…

  • Submit your dachshund

    Submit your dachshund

    [contact-form to=’info@dachshundsunited.com’ subject=’Rainbow Bridge’][contact-field label=’Your name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’When was your dachshund born?’ type=’text’…

  • Hot Dog of the Month: Opa

    Hot Dog of the Month: Opa

    Meet Opa, a modern troubadour!