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Dutch Day of the Dachshund: We were there!

The first Saturday of May there was a big dachshund event in Zoetermeer, the Netherlands. The Dutch Day of the Dachshund, as it is called, is a day completely for, about and with dachshunds and their owners. What does that mean, you may now ask yourself? Imagine a small city center, crowded with the egos (and owners) of over 500 (!!) dachshunds. Ofcourse, we from Dachshunds United were there! Not only to cuddle each and every one of the 500 dogs, but also with our own stall to sell items (mostly donated by this community!) to raise money for the Dachshund Rescue South Florida. In one day we managed to raise over €240! We still have some must-have dachshund items left, go check them out here.

Check out some snaps of this amazing day:

Jup, you are seeing that correctly, two dachshunds got married!

We also went on a walk, ofcourse

The most important tasks for the day: cuddling and raising money!

Here you see our fearless leader Lieke cuddling Pippa.

There also was a lot of work done though!

And now.. Some snaps of Dutch Doxies enjoying their day to the absolute maximum:

Frits and his buddies guarding the play pen

Still have not seen enough dachshunds? Check out the aftermovie! (it is in Dutch, sorry!)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ5NRmWtG2s]

As a last note, we’d like to say a huge thank you to SethBows, WagAware and Frank and Bead company for donating their products, to Het Dierenparadijs for organising this amazing day, to Lieke for bringing us all together and an extra big one to all the people that attended for making it a truely amazing day!!


Katinka & Frits

We are so sorry for this article being late. As you can see, we were very tired the days after the big event…