Hot Dog of the Month: Noosa

Noosa is Miss June! This British beauty lives in Windsor, just outside of London on the edge of the river Thames.

Noosa was born on 20th of March and lives with her mother Lucy and her father Laurence. Lucy works in a ballet studio, and often takes Noosa with her to work. Noosa is incredibly friendly to all the little ballerinas who show her so much love. Lucy says Noosa isn’t just her pet, but a special little pet to all the ballerinas!

Noosa isn’t very fond of the vacuum cleaner, but loves chasing her toys. As you can see she also loves modeling and sleeping!

Noosa is thrilled to be Hot Dog of the Month! Do you think your dachshund should be the next Hot Dog of the Month? Nominate your dachshund by filling in the form below:
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Hot Dog of the Month’][contact-field label=’Your name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your dachshund%26#039;s name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Instagram account (optional)’ type=’name’/][contact-field label=’Tell us something about your dachshund’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] You will receive an email when your dachshund is selected in which we will ask for some more information and/or some photos.